
This is for girls who easily fall and fall hard. It takes a lot of discipline and a few broken hearts behind his motivation to love in their tracks. But feasible. Maybe not healthy, but not in love with a man who is not paying attention to descend.

Breathe. Do you think that start, dizziness and nervous to talk to him / her / calm reflection. It will pass.

Recognize. If you find that you upgrade your email to wait for an answer, or if you have to wear makeup when you see it, like it. The first step is the registration problem.

Please note. No compulsive e-mail or SMS. If you don`t has the opportunity to not disappoint, and you`ll break your heart every time you see it doesn’t it bother to return emails.  

Self-deception. Is somewhat contradictory, but necessary. Tell yourself that you don`t care is just a friend to go, try to go a little "without checking the phone number or e-mail and movement, hang out with friends, shopping, etc. The more you know, the easier it is.  

Send to a friend. Talk to everyone. You `ll understand their emotional state and their motivations, and you can connect a shoulder to mourn when you're drunk and moaning and realize that you have beautiful eyes (we've all been there.

Remember that I love you five year old? You don `t wants no more, for the time, and spreads slowly.


When a case the main focus of the day, you just drew. Try reading, listening to music, etc.

Try to go for long periods without contact with him (a few days).

Don `t be" find a husband "My goal in life. You can be sure that no one at all, so you don `t go for love, because the solitary pursuit. Let it happen naturally, and if not, it's good.

Don `t thinks they feel what you feel.

When the time inevitably feels. Out.  

Don `t bases your happiness on the ... for other things in your life that make you happy, you do not even know you!


NO offers, and tell him you love him, if isn’t any sign of affection shown to you!

Don `t sees photos from Facebook / MySpace. When you start getting all giggly and think: "It's very nice and modern" 'They just seem to love you, and get used to the feeling when you see it enough.  NOT.

Please don `t thinks that if you go to bed. If you’ve been asleep for a while", that `s normal guy kissing someone invents.